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Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

November 6, 1931

Homestead, Pa., Homestead Hebrew Congregation:-- The entire Homestead Jewish community is undergoing a thorough re-organization since the coming of Rabbi A. M. Pinkas (Kellerman). Under his leadership of Y. M. and W. H. A., and a Junior Rodef Shalom has been organized and are now engaged in laying out complete programs of activities for the coming year. These programs will include plays, entertainments, public discussions and debates on Jewish history and current events, and arrangement of late Friday evening services in the Synagogue.
Under the leadership of Rabbi Pincers (sic) the community should reach heights of organization and activity never before attained. Rehearsals are now under way for Chanukah plays both by adults and by children. The opening affair of the current social season will be a cabaret dance at the Club Mirador, Second Avenue Homestead, on Wednesday, November 18.
Club Mirador is easily reached from any part of the county, being but fifteen minutes drive from downtown Pittsburgh or from McKeesport. Advance sales of tickets indicate that large groups from Braddock, Duquesne, McKeesport and up-river towns, as well as from Pittsburgh, will again gather at this dance for one of those enjoy able evenings for which the Homestead Community is famous and which only the Club Mirador can provide. Tickets are fifty cents per person and can be obtained from any member of the committee or at the door. Members of the committee include Samuel W. Hepps, chairman, Mark Fischel, treasurer, Sadie Glick, Sarah Jacobson, Harold Grossman, J. Lembersky, Paul Carpe, Evelyn and Frieda Mervis, Frances Friedlander, Frieda Katz, and M. L. Hepps.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 4, 1931

As a fitting climax to the festive Chanukah Community season the Homestead Jewish Community has arranged an elaborate program for Sunday evening, Dec. 13, at their Synagogue. The greater part of the program consists of two plays: "The Doctor," by Sholem Alechem, which will be rendered in Yiddish by members of the Congregation, and an English play "Their Own People" given by younger boys and girls group. The Yiddish play is under the direction of Rabbi A.M. Pinkas, the English play is directed by Miss Marian Moss.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

January 22, 1932

Announcement was made of the engagement of Miss Ruth Lustig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lustig of this city, to Rabbi A. M. Pinkas of Homestead, at the Parents' Banquet given at the Homestead Young Men & Women's Hebrew Association on January 3.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 18, 1932

Homestead, Pa., Rodef Shalom Synagogue:--An interesting Jewish play, a comedy called "The Get," or "The Divorce," by Sholem Aleichem, coached by Rabbi Pinkus, will be held at Rodef Shalom Auditorium Sunday evening, March 27. The play is given by Homestead Dramatic Club and is sponsored by the Homestead Congregation members. Included in the cast are Mrs. Louis Hadburg, Mr. Ike Grossman, Miss Freda Mervis, Mr. Alfred Katz, Mr. Louis Jackson, Mr. B. Mermelstein, Mrs. A.L. Hepps, Mr. Mark Fischel and A. Glasser. Miss Jeanette Fischel, talented and well known violinist will have charge of the musical program.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 25, 1932

Homestead, Pa., Rodef Shalom Synagogue: --An interesting Jewish play, a comedy called "The Get," or "The Divorce," by Sholem Aleichem, coached by Rabbi Pinkus, will be held at the Rodef Shalom Auditorium in Homestead, on Sunday evening, March 27, at eight o'clock sharp. The play is given by the Homestead Dramatic Club and is sponsored by Homestead Congregation members. Included in the cast are Mrs. Louis Hadburg, Mr. Ike Grossman, Miss Freda Mervis, Mr. Alfred Katz, Mr. Louis Jackson, Mr. B. Mermelstein, Mrs. A. L. Hepps, Mr. Mark Fischel and Mr. A. Glasser. Miss Jeannette Fischel, talented and well known violinist, will have charge of the musical program.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

April 1, 1932

Homestead, Pa., Y.M. and W.H.A .:--A one-act play, speaker and music will feature the open meeting to be held by the Y.M. and W.H.A. of Homestead next Sunday, April 3, at 8:30, in the vestry rooms of the Rodeph Shalom Synagogue.
The play is being directed by Elsie Rosenbaum and includes in its cast Sylvia Hausrath, Florence Solomon, Hilda Grinberg, Paul Carpe, Milton Goldman, Jacob Lembersky and Irwin Gross.
"A Program for Sunday Schools and Hebrew Schools" will be the subject of the talk by Mr. Abe Cohen. Mr. Cohen, who has for many years been an instructor at the Hebrew Institute, delivered sermons at various synagogues in addition to being in charge of large Sunday Schools in the district, is well qualified to speak on his subject.
Rabbi Pinkus will sing several songs in the Hebrew traditional manner and the "Y" String Trio will furnish the instrumental music.

Ledger of Individual Accounts | 1928-1934 Ledger

April 28, 1932–August 11, 1932

  • None Pincus
  • Begins April 28: Spend 1.50
  • Ends Aug. 11: (spend) 0.50
  • Notes: Just these two entries
Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

May 6, 1932

Saul Mandel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mandel of Nicholson Street, will be Bar Mitzvah on Sabbath morning. May 7. Rabbi M. Pinkas of Homestead, Pa., will conduct services and speak on the occasion.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

May 27, 1932

Homestead, Pa., Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society:--The concluding open meeting of the season was held in the Synagogue, on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. Markel, prominent attorney of Pittsburgh, formerly of Homestead, gave a fine talk on "Woman, the Rebel."
Mr. L. Jackson of Homestead entertained with Jewish readings and original sketches, which proved very diverting. The musical portion of the program was furnished by Master Irwin Simon accompanied by his sister, Miss Libby Simon, in a group of violin selections, and Rabbi M.A. Pinkas of Homestead entertaining with Jewish songs.
Credit for this fine program is due to the arrangements by the chairman, Mrs. I. Grossman, and her assistant, Mrs. Max Rubin.
A short business session preceded the program. Mrs. H.S. Jacobson, chairman, rendered a very gratifying report on the recent card party of the series, and expressed her appreciation for the cooperation she received from her co-hostesses and assistants.
Mrs. A.L. Hepps, president, appointed Mrs. V. Stone, social chairman, chairman of arrangements on the annual picnic.
Refreshments, which were served by various members of the society, completed a very pleasant evening.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 23, 1932

Mrs. Esther Pearl Friedlander, widow of Louis A. Friedlander, died at her home, 243 East Third Avenue, Homestead, on Saturday morning, December 17. The deceased was born in Russia and had been a Homestead resident since 1905. She was a member of the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society of Homestead.
The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harry Zalersky of Homestead and Mrs. Louis Sher of Verona, Pa.; three sons, Morris, Simon of Harmarville, Pa.; a brother, Joseph and Alex; one sister, Mrs. Z. A. Burnstein of St. Joseph, Mo., and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Sunday, December 18, with Rabbi Pincus officiating. Interment was made in Homestead Hebrew Cemetery.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 30, 1932

Mrs. Esther Pearl Friedlander, widow of Louis A. Friedlander, died at her home, 243 East Third Avenue, Homestead, on Saturday morning, December 17. The deceased was born in Russia and had been a Homestead resident since 1905. She was a member of the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society of Homestead.
The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harry Zalersky of Homestead and Mrs. Louis Sher of Verona, Pa.; three sons, Morris, Joseph and Alex; one sister, Mrs. Z. Simon of Harmarville, Pa.: a brother, A. Burnstein of St. Joseph, Mo., and eight grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Sunday, December 18, with Rabbi Pincus officiating. Interment was made in Homestead Hebrew Cemetery.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

February 24, 1933

Shulosh Seudoth
Reservations for giving Shulosh Seudoth on certain Sabbaths may be made with the sexton, Mr. B. Rosenberg, Grant 2480. The host on Sabbath, February 18th, was Mr. Frank Lustig, of 2267 Tilbury Street, in honor of his newly born grandchild, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Pinkus, of Homestead, Pa.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 3, 1933

Homestead, Pa., Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society:-- A very interesting program is arranged for the benefit dinner to be held by the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society on Sunday, March 5, at 6 P.M., in the assembly room of the Rodeph SHalom Congregation of Homestead. Attorney I.A. Swiss is to be the guest speaker of the evening. A number of Hebrew and Jewish songs is to be presented by Rabbi M. Pinkus, assisted by his choir. There will also be some violin and piano selections by Joe Kramer and Roy Magram.
Mrs. William Handlesman is general chairman of the affair, assisted by Mrs. I. Grossman, program chairman, and Mrs. M.D. Weiss, menu chairman. All are invited.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 10, 1933

Homestead Purim Celebration
A variety of entertainment will mark the Purim festivities in Homestead, Pa. "The Torah," a play of Jewish life in America, will he presented under the sponsorship of the Dramatic Club, Sunday evening, March 12, at the lower auditorium of Homestead Synagogue. Following this presentation the children of the Hebrew School will dramatize a Yiddish play, "Two Angels." Hebrew and Yiddish songs by the children of the school will follow. The following members of the club will take part in the play: I. Grossman, Mrs. Louis Hadburg, Louis M. Jackson, Mr. Louis Schaffer, Mrs. Max Lazar.
Rabbi A. M. Pinkus and Mr. A. I. Davis are coaching the play.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

April 7, 1933

Alexander L. Hepps of 427 Ninth Avenue, Munhall, Pa., aged 50 years, passed away at the West Penn Hospital Saturday morning, April 1, after a brief illness. He was a resident of the Homestead district for the past 35 years, having retired from active business seven years ago. He was very active in Jewish communal affairs, president of the Chevra Kadisha Society and first trustee of the Homestead Hebrew Congregation.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Celia Hepps; four daughters, Elsie, Hilda and Ruth at home and Mrs. Samuel Rosenblatt of Pittsburgh; four sisters, Mrs. Morris Keizler of Munhall, Mrs. David Roth of Donora, Mrs. Joseph Weiss of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Leah Stern of Hungary; and four brothers, Bernard of Homestead, Adolph of Pittsburgh, Frank of Midland and John of Hungary .
Funeral services were conducted from the Homestead Rodef Sholem Congregation on Sunday, April 2, with Rabbi Pinkus of Homestead and Rabbi Lichter of Pittsburgh officiating. Pallbearers were the nephews of the deceased. Interment was made in the Homestead Hebrew Cemetery, Homeville, Pa.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

May 5, 1933

Homestead, Pa., Jewish Dramatic Club :-- The Homestead Jewish Dramatic Club, sponsored by the Rodef Sholem Congregation, is planning to present the play, "The Toirele," on Sunday evening, June 4, in the vestry rooms of the Synagogue. Rabbi Pinkas, president and director of the Club, promises an enjoyable and amusing evening for all who will be present. Roy Magram will present a play in English, "The Baby Carriage," by Bosworth Croaker. Mrs. Sam Weiner is in charge of tickets.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

May 19, 1933

Homestead, Pa., Dramatic Club:--The Homestead Jewish Dramatic Club, sponsored by the congregation, will present two plays on Sunday evening, June 4, at the vestry rooms of the Synagogue. "The Toirele," an interesting story is being directed by Rabbi Pinkas. The following are members of the cast: Mrs. Lazar, Mrs. L. Hadburg, Mr. I. Grossman, Mr. Schaffer, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Abe Magram. Mr. Magram will present the play, "The Baby Carriage," an English spoken play. Tickets are to be secured from Mrs. Louis Jackson.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 8, 1933

Mrs. Flora Haas Levine, aged 63 years, died at her home, 701 Eighth Avenue, Homestead, on Friday evening, December 1, after a lingering illness.
Surviving are three sons, Ruben and Emanuel of Steubenville, Ohio, and Carl at home; a daughter, Mrs. I. Glick of Homestead; her husband, Mr. A. D. Levine, and two grandchildren.
Interment was made on Sunday, December 3, in the Tree of Life Cemetery, Sharpsburg, Rabbi Pincus officiating.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

February 2, 1934

Homestead Synagogue Observes Twentieth Anniversary
Probably the most brilliant affair ever given in the Rodef Shalom Synagogue of Homestead was the anniversary dinner last Sunday, when more than two hundred persons attended. The affair marked the twentieth anniversary of the erection of the Temple, as well as the fortieth anniversary of the organization of the congregation in Homestead, which from a mere handful of members has grown until they now have a beautiful temple in which to worship. It was gratifying to note that among those present were some who had been instrumental in the erection of Homestead's first Jewish place of worship.
The spacious dining room of the Synagogue was beautifully decorated with American and Jewish flags and bunting in national colors. Candelabra and an elaborate attractive cake which was contributed by Mrs. M. Fischman were the table decorations. Following a sumptuous dinner Mr. Max Rubin, chairman of the affair, greeted the guests and presented the toastmaster of the evening, Dr. M. H. Moss, who has served the congregation as president for some time. His talk was followed by greetings in Hebrew by three small boys, Marvin Habburg, Marvin Ruben and Carl Fischman, after which Jeannette Fischel Egerman, accomplished violinist, accompanied by Roy Magram, presented several delightful selections. Mrs. Samuel Schor, vocalist of the evening, was also accompanied by Mr. Magram in a group of lovely folk songs.
Rabbi A. Morris Pinkas, rabbi of Rodef Shalom Synagogue, and Mr. M. D. Weis, president, both delivered splendid and eloquent addresses and a history of the Synagogue, written by I. Grossman, Esq., was read by his son, W. Harold Grossman, Esq. Mrs. Max Rubin, president of the Ladies' Aid Society of Homestead, spoke on the work of her organization and its connection with the Synagogue, and following this talk Mrs. Samuel Gross read a poem, appropriate to the occasion, which she had written. Mr. Samuel Glick, president of the Homestead Y. M. H. A., also had some very interesting messages for those who had gathered together, and Rabbi Henry Goldberger of New Kensington, guest speaker of the evening, spoke on "Judaism and Its Significance," receiving great acclaim.
Those active on the committee who worked so hard for the success of this momentous event with Mr. Ruben were Harry Jacobson, Max Lazar, B. Mermelstein, Louis Jackson, Sam Newman, I. Glick, J. Burechson, I. Kramer and Louis Schwartz. Mr. Markowitz deserves much credit for his beautiful work on the decorations, and the following ladies are to be thanked for preparing the delicious dinner: Mesdames Harry Jacobson, S. Fischman, H. S. Jacobson, H. S. Schwartz, M. S. Fogel, L. Jackson, Harry Feldman, J. Burechson and I. Lefkowitz.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

June 8, 1934

Morris Grinberg, aged 57 years, Homestead merchant, died at his home, 5724 Beacon Street, early Monday morning, June 4.
The deceased, who was born in Russia, settled in Homestead about forty years ago. He was a member of the board of directors at the Jewish Home for the Aged, and the Beth Shalom Congregation; a former president of the Rodef Shalom Congregation of Homestead, and an ardent worker with the Zionist Organization and the B'nai B'rith.
Surviving him are his daughter, Ruth Grinberg Lincoff; a son, Leonard; three brothers, Henry of Pittsburgh, Solomon of McKeesport, and Meyer of Homestead, and a sister, Mrs. Bertha Miller of Turtle Creek.
Funeral services were held from his late residence on Wednesday afternoon of this week, with Rabbi Goodman Rose, Rabbi Pinkus and Rabbi Herman Hailperin officiating. Interment was made in the Tree of Life Cemetery.

Ledger of Individual Accounts | 1934-1943 Ledger

September 24, 1934–March 4, 1944

  • Rev. A.M. Pincus
  • Begins Sept. 24, 1934: Donation 1.50
  • Ends March 4, 1944: Cheder Collection 50.93
  • Notes: 1940 Maftir Yonah 7.00, also 41. Nov 1943 Chupa 10.00. Other haoliday stuff, Cheder & Sunday school collections
  • Address: 14th Ave Munhall (crossed out) 1409 Margaret (crossed out) 1215 Louis St, 3232 Hull St Bronx
Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

November 16, 1934

Homestead Rodef Shalom Holds Carnival
A fall carnival will be held by the Rodef Shalom Congregation of Homestead of Wednesday, November 21, in the Leona Gardens Homestead. Two bands, furnishing continuous music, will feature the carnival.
J.S. Carpe, chairman of the social committee, is being assisted by the following members of the congregation: M. Lazar, president, B. Mermelstein, J. Burechson, H. Jacobson, M. Rubin, and Louis Newman. Aides also include Mrs. M. Rubin, president of the Ladies' Aid Society; Mrs. Harry Jacobson, chairman of the Society's social committee, and Mrs. B. Lefkowitz, Mrs. S. Katz, Mrs. H.S. Jacobson, Mrs. N.L. Rosenthal, Mrs. H. Feldman, Mrs. I. Lewis, Mrs. H.S. Sapeer, Mrs. E. Zweig, Mrs. M.L. Kohn, and Mrs. H. Samuels. Also active on the committee are Rabbi A.M. Pinkas, Mr. P. Carpe, M. Gross, G. Friedlander, Miss Florence Solomon, Miss Harriet Greenstein, Roy Magram, and Matthew Fogel.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 28, 1934

Machziki Hadas Auxiliary Announces Dinner
Guest speakers will be Rabbi W. Leiter of the Congregation and Rabbi M. Pincus of Homestead. The concert will be conducted by Cantor Schwartzman.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

January 11, 1935

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weiner of Lilac Street announce the marriage of their daughter Minerva to Mr. Lawrence Hoffman, son of Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman of Alderson Street, which was an event of December 31. Rev. A. A. Pinkas read the marriage service.
After a southern trip Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman will reside in Squirrel Hill. Both Mr. Hoffman and his bride attended Duquesne University.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 8, 1935

Homestead Jewish Community Plans Purim Ball
The Homestead Jewish community will celebrate the Purim holiday with a masquerade ball to be held Wednesday evening, March 20, at the Leona Gardens in Homestead. Representatives from the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society, the Rodef Shalom Congregation, and the young men's and women's groups are actively participating under the able chairmanship of Mr. Jacob Carpe. Assisting Mr. Carpe are Mr. Max Lazar and Mrs. H. Sapeer as honorary chairmen; Miss Harriet Greenstein, secretary, and Mr. Newman, treasurer.
In cabaret fashion, guests in costume will dance to the melodies of Eddie Ellison's orchestra. Prizes are to be awarded for the most original masquerades. Additional entertainment will be provided during the evening, climaxed by a grand march and pageant.
Mr. Carpe announces the following committees: Refreshments: Mr. Benjamin Mermelstein, E. Mermelstein; judges: Rabbi A. M. Pinkas; check room: Mr. Jerome Schwartz; publicity: Mr. Roy Magram; donations: Mrs. L. Zweig, Mrs. H. Jacobson; pageant: Mr. Gerson Friedlander, Miss Florence Solomon; advertisements: Mesdames Hyman Samuels, Hyman Jacobson, I. Schwadron; transportation: Mr. J. Burechson; concessions: Mr. Jack Tauber; tickets: Mrs. Harry Jacobson, chairman, Miss Freda Katz, Mrs. E. Lefkovics, Mr. Milton Gross, Mrs. H. Feldman, Mrs. A. M. Pinkas, Mrs. S. Sapeer, Mr. Max Lazar, Mrs. B. Fox.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

April 12, 1935

Homestead Ladies' Aid Society
The Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society of Homestead, Pa., held an open meeting on Tuesday evening. After a short business session, current events were presented by Mrs. Max Jacobson. The musical program was rendered by Mrs. A. Zweig, soloist, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. L. Zweig on the piano. Rabbi A. Morris Pinkas spoke on the life and work of Moses Maimonides. The hostesses for the evening were the Mesdames Zweig.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

May 24, 1935

Rodef Shalom Congregation of Homestead
On Saturday morning, May 25, Master Herbert Burechson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Burechson of 1305 Margaret Street, Munhall, Pa., will be bar mitzvah in the Synagogue. Rabbi A. M. Pinkus will officiate.
Daily services are held at 7:30 a. m., evening at 8:15 o'clock.
Sabbath services: Friday evening at sunset; Saturday morning at 8:30.
Mincha at 6:45 p. m.
Hosts for Shulash Seudoth on May 18 were Mr. B. Siavitch and Mr. H. Siavitch.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

June 14, 1935

Judge B. Lencher To Speak at Homestead Hebrew Religious School Confirmation
The annual confirmation exercises of the Homestead Hebrew religious school will be held in the Synagogue this Sunday, June 16, at 2:00 o'clock. Rabbi A. M. Pinkas will confirm a class of seven boys and girls. Judge Benjamin Lencher will address the confirmants.
A reception, arranged by the mothers of the confirmants, will be held in the assembly room of the Synagogue immediately after the exercises.
The graduates are Esther Feldman, Pearl Handelsman, Sylvia Rebenstein, Arline Samuels, Howard Schwartz, Leanard Jacobson and Herbert Zukerman.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

June 14, 1935

Homestead Hebrew Congregation Picnic
The Homestead Hebrew Congregation is holding a joint picnic with the Sunday school at The Dells, on June 30. Arrangements are being made by Jacob Carpe and his committee: Max Lazar, president; Sylvia Hausrath, secretary; Louis Newman, treasurer; Sarah Hausrath, publicity; Mrs. B. Mermelstein, tickets; J. Burcheson, transportation; B. Mermelstein, refreshments; Paul Carpe, dance; Manny Feldman, bingo; Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, printing, and Roy Magram, entertainment. A full day's program is planned for both old and young, the special feature of which is a mushball game with the Hungarians vs. Russians.
Those wishing transportation to the picnic will meet at the Synagogue at 12:30 a. m. Cars are being loaned through the courtesy of Jacobson & Gordon Company of Homestead.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

June 21, 1935

Hebrew Ladies Aid Society of Homestead
The Ladies' Aid held a luncheon in honor of the president, Mrs. Sam Sapeer, on Tuesday, June 11. Sharing honors with Mrs. Sapeer was the past president, Mrs. Max Rubin.
The tables were decorated with flowers and tall tapers, and luncheon was served by Mrs. Harry Jacobson, social chairman, Mrs. E. Lefkowitz and her aides.
The opening prayer was given by Mrs. A. M. Pinkas, and Mrs. I. Grossman, program chairman, was toastmistress. Mrs. Davis Freiberger, violinist, accompanied by Miss Hayden, and Mrs. A. M. Cooper, accompanied by Mr. Norman Winkler in a group of songs.
The guest speaker was Mrs. M. H. Fisher, president of Pittsburgh chapter of Hadassah.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

October 4, 1935

PINKAS--Rabbi and Mrs. A. M. Pinkas and daughter of 622 Fourteenth Avenue, Munhall, Pa., extend to the members and friends of the Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Shalom and to the Jewish community best wishes for a happy New Year.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

November 8, 1935

Funeral services for Max M. Grossman, age 77 of, 345 8th Avenue, Homestead, who died early Sunday morning were held on Sunday afternoon from the home of his brother, Ignatz Grossman. Rabbi A. M. Pinkas of Rodef Shalom Congregation, Homestead of which Mr. Grossman was a member, officiated and interment followed in Homestead Jewish Cemetery.
Mr. Grossman is survived by his wife, Molly Grossman; two brothers, lgnatz Grossman of Homestead and Dan Grossman of Cleveland, and one sister, Mrs. Rose Szobel of Pittsburgh.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

February 14, 1936

Homestead Community Plans Purim Ball
The annual Purim Ball of the Homestead Hebrew Community is to be held Wednesday evening, March 4, at the Masonic Temple, Ninth Avenue and McClure Street in Homestead.
Mr. S. H. Grossman has been appointed general chairman, and is assisted by the following committee; Sarah Hausrath, Mrs. A. Keizler, Mrs. S. Greenstein, Max Lazar, Rabbi A. M. Pinkas and Mr. Roy Magram.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

February 28, 1936

Plans Furthered for Purim Ball
At a recent meeting of the various committees for the Annual Homestead Purim Ball more details of the dance were planned.
It will be held at the Masonic Temple, Ninth Avenue and McClure Street on Wednesday, March 4, and will feature the distinctive dance arrangements of Tommie Barrett and his orchestra. A Queen Esther Contest will be the feature of the evening. The executive committee includes:
Chairman, Mr. S. H. Grossman; Miss Sarah Hausrath, Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, Mr. M. H. Lazar, Mrs. Greenstein, Mrs. A. Keizler, and Mr. Roy Magram. Tickets are available from all members of the committee. For reservations call Homestead 1256.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

February 28, 1936

Louis Kardosh of Hays Street died February 22, in his fifty-fifth year. He is survived by his widow, Sadie Gluck Kardosh; three daughters, Florence, Margaret and Elsie of Pittsburgh; and his mother, Mrs. Sally Kohn; his brother, Martin Kardosh, and his sister, Mrs. Regina Sacks, all of Budapest, Hungary.
Funeral services were held on Sunday, February 23, Rabbi Morris Pincus officiating, after which interment was made in the Homestead Cemetery.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

February 28, 1936

Homestead to Hold Purim Ball
A popular vocalist, an eccentric dance team and several other professional acts will be features of the elaborate floor show arranged for the Purim Ball of the Homestead Jewish Community to be held Wednesday, March fourth, in the Masonic Temple, Homestead.
In traditional Purim Spirit, the coronation of the community's most popular girl as Queen Esther will be the climax of the evening.
The distinctive music of Tommy Barrett and his orchestra have been secured; for reservations call Homestead 1256.
The committees appointed for the affair are as follows: Executive committee, S. Harold Grossman; general chairmen, Max Lazar, Mrs. E. Abe Keizler, Mrs. Enoch Greenstein, Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, Selma Leff, Sarah Hausrath, Roy Magram; publicity, Albert Schwartz, chairman, Paul Carpe, Sarah Hausrath; tickets, Louis Newman, chairman, Max Lazar, Mrs. B. Mermelstein, Selma Leff, Mrs. Harry Feldman, Mrs. E. A. Keizler, Mrs. Nathan Rosenthal, Mrs. Louis Hadburg, A.M. Pinkas, Jacob Carpe, Harriett Greenstein, Mrs. M. D. Weis, Florence Solomon; entertainment, Roy Magram, chairman, Mrs. E. A. Keizler, Paul Carpe; refreshments, Benjamin Mermelstein and Mrs. Harry Feldman, co-chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sheck, Jacob Burechson, Mrs. Harry Solomon, Mrs. Joseph Heidovitz, Emanuel Feldman, I. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Friedlander, M. Fischman, I. Kramer, Mrs. I. Lentz, Harry Jacobson, Mrs. J. Green, Jeannette Mermelstein; hospitality, Jacob Lembersky, chairman, Mrs. Ralph Grinberg; Mrs. A. M. Pinkas, Freda Katz, Dr. Daniel Schwartz, Mrs. Herbert Hepps, Rose Stein, Ida Friedlander, Dr. Arthur Glick, Milton Gross, Samuel O. Magram; advertising, Max Lazer, chairman, Mrs. Elias Lefkovics, Mrs. M. Sheck, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pinkas, Max Mermelstein, Morris Fischmann; decorations, Albert Markowitz, chairman, Maynard Gross, Harriett Greenstein, Hilda Grinberg; check-room, Alan Grinberg, chairman, Herbert Solomon, Max Burechson; hall, Mrs. Enoch Greenstein, chairman, Jacob Carpe, Max Mermelstein, Mrs. Herbert Hepps, Rose Stein; cashier, Alfred Katz; secretary, Florence Solomon; general, Fannie Cohen, Mrs. Samuel Hepps, Mrs. H. S. Jacobson, Mrs. B. Mazur, Mrs. Samuel Jacobson, Mrs. Max Jacobson, Mrs. Joseph Katz, Mrs. M. L. Kohn, Mrs. A. Weinberg, Mrs. Harry Weinberger, Mrs. Max Lazar, Thelma Jacobson, Mildred Keizler.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 6, 1936

Mr. Baer Friedlander died on Saturday, February 29, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Jacobson of Eleventh Avenue, Homestead.
He was the father of Mrs. Sarah Katz, Harry Friedlander of Pittsburgh, Julius of Beaver Falls, and the late Benjamin. He is a|so survived by nineteen grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Sunday, March 1, after which burial was made at the Gates of Wisdom Cemetery in Carrick, Rabbi A. M. Pinkas officiating.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

April 10, 1936

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Essig of Bryant Street announce the marriage of their daughter, Elsie, to Arthur Slifkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Slifkin of Steubenville. The ceremony was solemnized on Sunday, April 5, in the study of Rabbi M. Pincus in Homestead.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

June 5, 1936

Hebrew Religious School Holds Confirmation
The annual confirmation exercises of the Homestead Hebrew Religious School will take place on Sunday, June 7, at 2:15 p. m., in the Homestead Congregation Rodef Shalom, Tenth Avenue.
Attorney Frank R. S. Kaplan will address the confirmants. Mr. Max Lazar; president of the Congregation and Mr. L. Newman, vice-president, wiH present certificates of confirmation to the following confirmants:
Dorothy Exler, Carl Fischman, Esther Freed, Martha Glick, Mildred Hadburg, Gertrude Heidovitz, Morton Keizler, Herbert Lang, Ruth Lefkowics and Jeannette Mermelstein.
Mr. Meyer I. Grinberg, chairman of the Religious School committee, will present teachers of the Religious School with tokens of appreciation for their efforts.
Rabbi A. M. Pinkas is in charge of the confirmation.
A reception, given by the mothers of the confirmants, will follow immediately.
Closing exercises of the Hebrew School will take place on the following Sunday, June 14, at 10:00 a. m., at the Synagogue.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

June 26, 1936

Volunteers Continue Campaign Efforts
That there is a spirit of "never say die" among the members of the Jewish community of Pittsburgh has been emphatically proved by the willingness of many of its men and women to continue their efforts to make a success of the 1936 Campaign of the United Jewish Fund of Pittsburgh, and to offer to go out once more to bring in the money still needed to reach the $177,000 mark...
Tri-State Division
The Tri-State Division of the United Jewish Appeal is in full swing, with a number of campaigns under way and many others scheduled for the summer months or the fall. The heat of July and August is offering no difficulties to the regional or local committees bent upon doing their share on behalf of stricken European Jewry. Leo Lehman of Pittsburgh is chairman of the Tri-State committee, with Morris Neaman co-chairman, and Rabbi Pinkas of Homestead vice-chairman.
...Homestead is also in the midst of its campaign, under the joint chairmanship of Leo Half and Bernard Grinberg. Their quota is $1,000.
Duquesne, after a lapse of several years, due to the depression, is making a brave effort to do its share on behalf of the refugees and needy of Eastern and Central Europe...
Similar campaigns are also under way in Oil City, Franklin and Butler, Ellwood City and Weirton, W. Va., have already finished their appeals. A number of other committees have scheduled conferences during the next few weeks with Morris Neaman, chairman of the Tri-State Division, and Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, vice chairman, for the purpose of making arrangements for early campaigns. The following cities have already made plans for fall appeals: Altoona, Erie, Johnstown and New Castle, Pa.; Wheeling, W. Va., and Steubenville, O.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

July 24, 1936

Homestead Community to Picnic August 2
Beautiful Dellwood Park will be the site of the Homestead. Hebrew Community picnic to be held on Sunday, August 2. The program of the picnic, which is being held under the auspices of the Rodef Shalom Congregation and the Religious School, includes races, bingo, refreshments, mushball games and dancing. Swimming facilities are available at nearby Byerly Crest.
Dellwood Park is located on route 48, a short distance beyond Rainbow Gardens.
The committee in charge includes S. H. Grossman, chairman; M. Lazar, Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, L. Neuman, B. Mermelstein, M. Mermelstein, and A. Schwartz.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

October 2, 1936

Rabbi Pinkas to Address Homestead Ladies
The monthly meeting of the Homestead Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society will be held on Tuesday evening, October 6.
Mrs. Grossman, who is in charge of the program, announces that Mrs. Schwadron will give the current events. The music for the evening will be offered by Miss Jeannette Mermelstein, accompanied by Miss Elaine Miller.
Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, who will be the speaker, will discuss "Palestine Today As I See It."

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

October 16, 1936

Mr. and Mrs. David Hausrath of Fourth Avenue, Homestead, announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Sarah, to Philip B. Krauss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krauss of Douglas Street. The wedding will take place Sunday at 8 o'clock in the Beth Shalom Synagogue.
The bridal party will consist of Sylvia Hausrath, as maid of honor; a matron of honor, Mrs. Ben Fleisher; the bridesmaids, Lil Nathanson, Sally Nathanson, Myrtle Bernstein and Beatrice Americus; Ben Fleisher as best man, and the ushers, Harry Siff, Sam Mazefsky, Sidney Saville, Martin Krauss and Bernard Hausrath. Rabbi A. M. Pinkas and Rabbi Goodman A. Rose will officiate

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

October 30, 1936

On Sunday, October 18, at eight o'clock in the Beth Shalom Synagogue, Sarah Hausrath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hausrath of Fourth Avenue, Homestead, was united in marriage to Philip B. Krauss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krauss, of Douglas Street. Officiating were Rabbi A. M. Pinkas and Rabbi Goodman A. Rose.
The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with a lace jacket; she wore a long tulle veil, and carried calla lilies.
Her sister, Sylvia Hausrath as maid of honor, wore coronation blue velvet and carried pink chrysanthemums. Mrs. Ben Fleisher, matron of honor, chose turquoise velvet and pink chrysanthemums; the bridesmaids were the Misses Lil Nathanson, Sally Nathanson, Myrtle Bernstein, and Beatrice Americus, all dressed in identical gowns of wine moire, with wine velvet off-the-face hats; they carried yellow chrysanthemums. Serving as flower girls were Clarice Mandel and Lois Conquest Fleisher, dressed in yellow chiffon and carrying baskets of mixed autumn flowers.
Mr. Krauss was attended by Ben Fleisher as best man, and Harry Siff, Sam Mazefsky, Sidney Saville, Martin Krauss, and Bernard Hausrath ushered. Leonard Stahlberg was ring bearer.
The bride's mother wore coronation blue with silver metallic sleeves, and Mrs. Krauss was attired in a blue metallic gown. Both wore gardenias.
More than a thousand relatives and friends attended the ceremony and reception, and later the young couple left by motor for the East.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

October 30, 1936

A monument in memory of the late Yetta Glick will be unveiled at the Homestead Jewish Cemetery on Sunday morning, November 1, at 11:00 o'clock. Rabbi A. R. Pinkus will officiate.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 18, 1936

Administrative Committee Named for Tri-State Zionist Region
Rabbi B. A. Lichter, President of the Tri-State Zionist Region, announces that the following have been named members of the Tri-State Zionist Region Administrative Committee for the ensuing year:
Homestead, Pa., Rabbi A. M. Pinkas.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

December 25, 1936

Jewish National Fund Flag Day Report
Following are the sums raised by the various volunteer groups and schools:
Homestead, Pa. (Rabbi A. M. Pinkas, Chairman)...... 14.58

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

January 8, 1937

Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Shalom
The Homestead Hebrew Congregation Rodef Shalom, announces the first of a series of late Friday evening services beginning Friday, January 8, at 8:00 p. m. Mr. I. A. Swiss will address the congregation.
A social hour will follow the services with Mesdames Harry Solomon and Louis Hadburgh as hostesses.
Rabbi A. M. Pinkas will be in charge of the services.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 12, 1937

William Keizler, 5539 Beacon St., beloved husband of Alice Ferber Keizler, passed away this Tuesday in his 30th year. Surviving are also his parents, Morris and Fannie, of Munhall; 2 sisters, Mildred Keizler and Mrs. Regina Mandell, of this city; and a brother, E. A. Keizler, of Homestead.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, from his late residence with Rabbi A. M. Pinkas officiating. Interment was in Homestead Hebrew Cemetery.

Newspaper Articles | Jewish Criterion

March 19, 1937

Agudath Achim Congregation Celebrates Silver Anniversary
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Agudath Achim Congregation of Beaver Falls was celebrated on March 7 at the Synagogue in the form of a banquet of which Mr. Harry. Braun was the chairman...
Rabbi A. M. Pinkus of Homestead conducted the ceremony of the "Burning of the Mortgage," at which time he appealed to the audience for funds with which to beautify and enlarge the Synagogue for the growing community. The contributions received amounted to over $500.00